
Babies 4&5

Time for Austin to become a child

Austin looked very simular to his dad and had a lot of his features

Emily invited her mum over to look after the kids whilts she got on with the challenge

Emily spoke on the phone to pottential fathers.

Time for Blake and Perry to grow up!

Blake had his fathers eyebrows and a bald head.

Perrys turn!

Emily was happy to see Perry with her pink eyebrows and blonde hair.

Austin couldnt sleep with the toddlers crying so Emily and Austin often swapped beds.

Emily was exhausted and passed out on the floor! How will she cope when baby 4 is here aswell!?

Emily finally got pregnant with Ted Red, who was enthusiastic about being a father!

They were both happy about having a baby!

Emily decided to do some housework.

Baby 4 was causing alot of tummy trouble!

Austin didnt mind homework and always did it as soon as he got home.

Emily really wanted triplets and kept on listening to music to increase the chances of having them.

Baby 4 was coming and coming FAST!!!!! 

Emily just managed to get to the hospital and wanted to get home as quick as possible to show the boys their little red brothers Dale

and Ashton

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I love the story. But, It could use more detail :). I suggest names like: Girls: Tuscany or Abrey, Boys: Mikey or Vincenzo
